Western Connecticut State University Web App

Western Connecticut State University Web App

Welcome to Western Connecticut State University's Event Planning Platform!

The EMS Web App

To Browse through the current reservations Click on the EVENTS link.

If you have an active account you may sign in using your Windows ID and your current Windows password from MY HOME tab. 
To request a Web App Account - Please select the MY HOME tab.

***Login "Tips and Tricks" for EMS Web App Users***

Please use Microsoft Edge Web Browser:

Open the Microsoft Edge Browser

  1. Top right, you should see 3 dots horizontally, click on the 3 dots

  2. Then drop down and click history

  3. Another box will open, click on the 3 dots top right

  4. Click Clear browsing history, then another box opens

  5. Time Range Select "All Time"

  6. Then click "Clear now" (bottom left).

  7. Then go back to the ems web app tab and log in.


**** If you are receiving a blank screen with the EMS Web App and WCSU at the top, clear the web browsing history, then click "Site Home", click "My Home" and scroll down, login will appear.   Your credentials are the same login as your WCSU Windows login credentials. 

After completing those steps, your name should appear at the top right of the page where Welcome, Guest was.   

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please email [email protected].  Thank You!